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 Cedar Ridge Fishing Club

Basic information about the summer league

This summer league is a multi-species fishing league. We concentrate our efforts in the metro area of the Twin Cities. Our league starts in May and runs thru August. This league usually meets every  other Thursday and occasional Saturdays, with optional club night on off weeks. We will fish a variety of lakes throughout the season. League time runs from 6:00pm - 9:00pm on Thursdays. The league season is only $100.00 per person. Trophies will be awarded to the top 3 teams and the person who catches the biggest fish of the season. Final results and awards will be presented after the last league event. We will also provide a BBQ for our league participants after our mid season Saturday league event and after our last league event!

How it works

Show up at the scheduled lake access and launch your boat. Float around by the access with the other participants and wait until the official starting horn. Go to any spot on the lake and start fishing. When you catch a fish, simply write down the length of the fish, the name of the person who caught it and what time the fish was caught on the Team Data Sheets that we supply to you at the start of the season. Depending on the format that we are using that day, the fish may or may not count towards your team total. Some examples of formats include: Standard Format, Sunfish & Crappie Format, Pike Night, Walleye & Perch Format, Double Bass Format, Partner Challenge, Double Limits Format, Fish Bonus Format and All Species Format. The Team Data Sheets are very easy to understand and follow. We change up the formats for each event to keep things fun and fair for everyone. Once you have ralized that the league event is over for the day, fill out your Team Data Sheets and make your way back to the access that we started from. Once all Team Data Sheets are collected and checked, the results of the event are announced. After the announcements, everyone usually stays to talk and share information about their day including locations, lures, colors and what worked or did not work for them. We all want to catch fish and we all do our best to help each other out. During some league events when fishing is slow, Todd or Tim will make phone calls to participants and share with them what they hear is working.

This is a true catch and release league. You do not have to keep your fish for proof or weigh them. You do not have to worry about being penalized if you come late or have to leave early during an event. Due to our Team Data Sheets, all team totals stay relatively close throughout the season no matter what skill level of fishing you are at even if you have a bad day or miss a league event.

This is a fun filled, relaxed atmosphere fishing league, with a healthy dose of that competitive spirit. Please look at our schedule and we hope that you can join us out on the water this season!

  Club nights meet on the off weeks of the weekly league.  This is an optional night to pre-fish a lake for the following league night and a chance to just hangout,  fish and share stories without the competition.   This would also be a good night to envite a friend that may be thinking about joining next year.

Club Night

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